AI Tools for Research


 AI Tools for Research 

In the ever-evolving landscape of academic research, AI is a powerful force. Some welcome this change, while others are apprehensive. However, 

AI is here to stay.

Imagine no longer sifting through countless PDFs; an AI tool summarizes research papers efficiently. Manual citation reviews and literature searches are seamlessly managed by AI research assistants.

This isn't science fiction; it's the present reality. Welcome to the world of AI-driven research tools!

AI's impact on academic research is transformative, enhancing efficiency and thoroughness. This blog explores how AI is reshaping research, offering tools for more precise literature reviews, paper searches, and overall research productivity.

Navigating the array of options can be daunting, but these tools are a boon for academics. New ones emerge regularly, and making informed choices is crucial.

Scispace(AI Chat for scientific PDFs | SciSpace (

SciSpace is a website that helps you read and understand research papers better. It uses artificial intelligence to provide summaries, explanations, questions, and citations for any paper you want. You can also search for papers by topic, author, journal, or conference. SciSpace is designed to make your academic research easier and faster. SciSpace works by using artificial intelligence to analyze and understand scientific papers from various sources. It can provide you with different kinds of information and assistance depending on what you need. For example, you can use SciSpace to:

  • Get summaries and explanations of any section of a paper by highlighting the text, math, or tables. You can also ask follow-up questions to clarify any doubts or learn more about a topic.
  • Find related papers, future works, and citations for any paper you are reading. You can also search for papers by topic, author, journal, or conference.
  •  Write and format your own research papers and thesis documents using SciSpace editor. You can easily add and cite references, create scientific expressions, cross-reference tables/equations/figures, and collaborate with other authors and reviewers.
  • Conduct in-depth literature reviews using SciSpace Literature Review. You can organize your papers into folders, tags, and notes. You can also use SciSpace Copilot to get real-time answers to your questions wherever you read online.

SciSpace is designed to make your academic research easier and faster.



ChatDoc is a tool that helps you chat with your documents. You can upload any PDF file and ask questions about it. ChatDoc will give you fast and accurate answers with cited sources. You can also select tables or texts and get AI explanations. ChatDoc is powered by ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art natural language processing model. ChatDoc is designed to make your document reading easier and faster.


Explainpaper is a website that helps you read and understand research papers better. It uses artificial intelligence to provide summaries, explanations, questions, and citations for any paper you want. You can also search for papers by topic, author, journal, or conference. Explainpaper is designed to make your academic research easier and faster. 

To use Explainpaper, you need to upload a PDF file of the paper you want to read or paste a link to it. Then, Explainpaper will analyze the paper and show you different tabs on the right side of the screen. You can use these tabs to get different kinds of information and assistance from Explainpaper.

  • The Paper tab shows you a brief overview of the paper and its main sections. You can also get a detailed outline of the paper if you upgrade to a paid plan.
  • The Explain tab lets you highlight any text, math, or table in the paper and ask Explainpaper to explain it in simple terms. You can also ask follow-up questions to clarify any doubts or learn more about a topic.
  • The Chat tab allows you to chat with Explainpaper and ask it to summarize the paper, assess its significance, or find related papers. However, this feature is also only available for premium users.

Elicit( is a website that offers different services and products related to artificial intelligence and research. According to the web search results, some of the services and products are:

  • Elicit | The AI Research Assistant: This is a web-based tool that uses language models to help you automate research workflows, such as finding relevant papers, summarizing key points, extracting key information, and brainstorming ideas. You can sign up for a free account and try it out yourself.
  • Elicit: The AI Research Assistant: This is an older version of the same tool as above. It has similar features but a different interface and design. You can also sign up for a free account and try it out yourself.
  • Elicit Research: This is a company that provides market research services using technological, statistical, and comprehensive methods. They help you connect with the right audience, discover opportunities, and accelerate your growth. You can contact them for more information or request a quote.
  •  Elicit: The AI Research Assistant: This is the login page for the older version of the tool as above. You can use your email and password to access your account and use the tool.

Elicit’s AI works by using advanced language models to analyze and understand scientific papers from various sources. It can provide you with different kinds of information and assistance depending on what you need. For example, you can use Elicit to:

  • Find relevant papers and summaries of key information about them by asking a research question. Elicit will present the results in an easy-to-use table with the paper title, authors, year, citations, abstract summary, and PDF link if available.
  • Get explanations of any text, math, or table in a paper by highlighting it and asking Elicit to explain it in simple terms. You can also ask follow-up questions to clarify any doubts or learn more about a topic.
  • Brainstorm research questions and ideas by asking Elicit to generate some possible questions or topics related to your research interest. Elicit will use its language generation power to come up with creative and relevant suggestions.
  • Write and format your own research papers using Elicit editor. You can easily add and cite references, create scientific expressions, cross-reference tables/equations/figures, and collaborate with other authors and reviewers.

Elicit’s AI is powered by state-of-the-art language models, such as GPT-3 and factored cognition, that leverage large amounts of text data to learn how to process natural language and perform open-ended reasoning. Elicit’s AI is designed to make your research process easier and faster. 


“” is a website that allows you to chat with an AI-powered chatbot that can answer questions about your files. You can upload your files to Humata and ask the chatbot anything you want to know about them. The chatbot will generate answers and summaries based on the content of your files. Each answer will also cite relevant sections from your files. Humata is like ChatGPT for your files, but with more features and functionalities. You can use Humata to skip through long documents, compare files, extract data, and more. You can also embed Humata in your webpage to connect your customers with answers locked away in your docs. Humata offers a free trial and different pricing plans depending on your needs. 

Humata works by using advanced AI algorithms to process and analyze uploaded files. It uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand the context of your questions and extract relevant information from the files. Humata can support various file formats, including PDFs, and provide you with easy-to-understand answers instantly. You can also use Humata to generate new writing based on the content of your files, such as papers, reports, or essays.

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