2nd Year Paper Computer Science

Roll No:-_____    Name: - ___________________          Time: - 20 Minutes         Marks:-  15
Note:   Write your Roll No. and Name on Space Provided.
            Overwritten, cutting using lead Pencil will carry you to Zero marks.
            Return this sheet to examiner after collapsing given time.

Q 1: Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.
         is invalid way to chose correct option and will result into loss of marks.

1.       An array Script should be:
a)      Int                                  b) Float                                 c)Double                             d)An Array

2.       File pointer is a variable of type file that is defined in:
a)      iostream.h                  b)  conio.h                           c)stdio.h                              d)None

3.       All kinds of variable is declared in:
a)      RAM                              b) Cache                              c)ROM                                 d)Processor

4.       The Scope of the variable is refers to it:
a)      Length                          b) Name                              c)Accessibility                   d)Data Type

5.       The process of sending an argument to function is known as:
a)      User Defined             b) Functions                       c)Arguments                      d)None

6.       Global Variable are created in:
a)      RAM                              b) ROM                                                c)CACHE                              d)Hard Disk

7.       Pre-Test Loop Is?
a)      While Loop                 b) Do-While Loop             c)For Loop                          d)All

8.       Semi Colon is placed at the end of the :
a)      While Loop                 b) Do-While Loop             c) For Loop                         d) All

9.       Which of the following is called counter loop:
a)      While Loop                 b) Do-While Loop             c) For Loop                         d) All

10.    A Form within another form is:
a)      Main Form                  b) Sub Form                       c)Multi Form                      d)None

11.   How Many Layouts of a report:
a)  2                                        b)   3                                      c)    4                                      d)     5

12.   Which type of relation is most common:
a)      One to One                                b) One to Many                                c)Many to Many               d)All

13.   What is the default field size of a text data type field:
a)           5                 b)       2                                  c)    20                                    d)    50

14.   Two or more attributes having different names but same meaning are called:
a)      Homonyms                 b) Aliases                             c)Synonyms                       d)Alternate

15.   Which of the following activities are involved in data analysis:
a)      DFD’s                            b)Decision Tables             c)   Decision Trees            d)   ALL

Roll No:-_____    Name: - ___________________          Time: - 02:10 Minutes   Marks:-  85

Q 2:- Write short answers of any 18 of the following questions.
What is the output of the following
   printf(%3d%3d\n , k, 10-k)
What is the output of the following.
 for (k=n; k>=0; --k)
   for(j=m; j>0; --j)
Define body of function?
What is header of function?
Define opening a file?
Define pointer?
What is expression?
Define nested loops?
Define Global Variables?
Define closing a file?
What are user define function?
What are advantages of loops?
What is meant by EOF marker?
What is user defined function?
What is meant by degree of relation?
What is relationship?
What is columnar form?
What is the purpose of radio button?
What is table?
List out some use of forms?
What are sub forms?
What is meant by Modality?
What is cardinality?
Write different name of data types in MS. Access?
Define the term of field?
Write a joke about Programming?

Section III (Each Question carry 08 Marks)
MS Access
Attempt any 1 of the following.
Q  3:- Write note on the following:
a.      Normalization?
b.      Functional Dependecny?
c.       Transtive Dependency?
d.      Full Functional Dependency?
Q  4:-    a) What is meant by Data Integrity? What are two types?
            b)Differentiate between forms and reports?

C Language
Attempt any 2 of the following.
Q 5:-    a) What is function? Describe signature of function?
b)      What is switch statement? Explain its Working with example

Q 6:-    a) Briefly explain the benefits of using functions?
a)      Write note on the following in just two lines.
a)      fgetc()
b)      fputc()
c)      fputs()
d)      fprintf()
e)      EOF
f)       Text Stream
g)      Binary Stream

Q7:-     Write a detailed note on LOOPS with flow chart?

Section III
Roll No:-_____    Name: - ___________________          Time: - 30 Minutes         Marks:-  15
MS Access
Attempt any one of the following. Each question carries 12 marks.

Q 1:-    a) Explain the procedure of creating sub forms?

Q 2:-    a) Explain the procedure of creating simple query?
b) Explain the procedure of creating table in MS Access?

C Language
Attempt any one of the following. Each question carries 13 marks.

Q 3:-    a)
b) Write a function Is-Prime that has an input parameter num and return a value of 1 if it is prime. Otherwise returns the value ZER0.

Q 4:-    a) Write a program to generate following:-
13           4
69           2
347         3

b)      Write a program that input base and height of triangle. The function find the area of triangle and returns it to main function where it is displayed on the screen.
Hint; area=1/2 (base * height)
Q 5:-    a)
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b)Write a program that display your name using functions with follow chart and comments on each line.

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