image = imread('jump.jpg'); % read image
% get image dimensions: an RGB image has three planes
% reshaping puts the RGB layers next to each other generating
% a two dimensional grayscale image
[height, width, planes] = size(image);
rgb = reshape(image, height, width * planes);
imagesc(rgb); % visualize RGB planes
colorbar on % display colorbar
r = image(:, :, 1); % red channel
g = image(:, :, 2); % green channel
b = image(:, :, 3); % blue channel
threshold = 100; % threshold value
imagesc(b < threshold); % display the binarized image
threshold = 100; % threshold value
imagesc(b < threshold); % display the binarized image
% apply the blueness calculation
blueness = double(b) - max(double(r), double(g));
imagesc(blueness); % visualize RGB planes
colorbar on % display colorbar
% apply thresholding to segment the foreground
mask = blueness < 45;